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Scene II

Working our asses of in SAC till midnight. Attending a meeting in the LG just a day before our exams called by the Director.The cultural secretary muttering about sponsors in his sleep. And over the top the tension of a locked motorbike. It is not easy. No one said it would be easy. But no one mentioned in that it would be so difficult with our own insti creating hurdles for us in each step. They come up wid some brilliant ideas one being-"We should not keep cash prizes for any event in the fest. We will just give mementos and certificates. They are enough".

One thing for sure KK is not coming nor is Daler Mehendi(whoever spread that!). The KK part will be taken of the website soon. For rock night Motherjane has been finalised. Done.For those of whom who haven't heard about it search it on DC. They are an Indian rock band from Cochin.Good music.
The celebrity part can't be disclosed right now. But we assure you the celebrity will be good.
One request. People, pls help us in ne way u can. Cause march 12th ain't far.


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